Tax Law | Corporate and Group Tax Law

Flick Gocke Schaumburg advises EMERAM on Garderos investment

12.06.2024 | Deals done 

Flick Gocke Schaumburg has advised the Munich-based investment company EMERAM on funds advised by EMERAM acquiring a majority shareholding in Garderos GmbH.

Advisors to EMERAM: Flick Gocke Schaumburg

Dr Christian Pitzal, Dr Jörg Kurzenberger; associates: Stefan Schulz, Matthias Body (all tax)

The advisory services included tax due diligence and the tax structuring of the transaction.

The team led by Dr Christian Pitzal previously advised EMERAM at the beginning of 2024 on the merger of the portfolio company ADLER Smart Solutions GmbH with HMB and Charge Construct to form the newly founded ace Group and likewise on the acquisition and integration of HMB Energy by ADLER Smart Solutions GmbH.

EMERAM is one of the leading investment managers for medium-sized companies in the German-speaking region. Funds advised by EMERAM provide more than EUR 650 million in capital for the development of growth companies. The portfolio includes companies from the technology/software, value-added services and non-discretionary consumer sectors.

Garderos was founded in 2002 as a spin-off of Siemens AG and has its registered office in Munich. The company offers ruggedized router solutions that ensure router connectivity even under challenging conditions, such as heat, dust or moisture, thanks to a particularly robust combination of software and hardware. This feature is particularly important in the telecommunications sector, but especially in the digitalization of critical infrastructure. <<<